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Uzbekistan: Uzbekistan – our common home

28/09/2016 10:51

Today, representatives of many nationalities, living in Uzbekistan, take an active part in all spheres of social life, widely showing their abilities.

Basis and goal of the realizing reformsin all sectors is to serve the interests of people, improve the living standards and well-being of the people. Herewith, the education of the young generation in the spirit of national values and traditions, as well as mutual agreement is essential.

In the scientific-practical seminar on the subject “The role of national values in educating healthy child”, held in the Khorezm regional theatre of musical drama named after Ogahiy, the attention was paid to the issues related with creation of conditions for harmonious development of the rising generation with spiritual and moral education.In addition to that, the important sides of ensuring the mutual agreement among the representatives of various nationalitieswas taken into account.

In the activities organized by the regional hokimiyat, administration of cultural and sport affairs, regional branch of social charity fund “Mahalla”, regional kengash of YSA “Kamolot”, regional administration of justice, regional office of the Muslims’ administration of Uzbekistan, department of the Creative association “Tasviriy oyna”, arts reflecting national values, traditions and customs of the representatives of various nationalities, living in our country, were presented. The exposition “We are the children of one family” with the samples of art and craft products made deep impression on the participants of the seminar.

The hokim of the region P.Bobojonov opened the seminar with an opening speech. The assistant of the State counsellor of the President of Uzbekistan M.Akhmedjanov took part and spoke in the activity.

As well as, the chairman of the Committee on the affairs of religion under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan O.Yusupov and the director of the international cultural center of the Republic N.Muhammadiyev made speeches in the seminar.

Peace and tranquillity in our common home – Uzbekistan, socio-political and economic sustainability are our great achievement, - said VeneraSalunina, the chairman of regional Russian cultural center. – Our main task is to educate youth in such noble characteristics as charity, generosity, harmony, respect for national and universal values, as well as,todevelop the culture and customs of various nations and nationalitiesinourcountry, and further to strengthen the interethnic harmony.

At the end of the seminar, the creative groups of cultural centers participated in the art program with songs and dances.

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