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Uzbekistan: Appreciation of foreign experts

29/09/2016 10:50

In Uzbekistan after declaration of Independence, in a short time a qualitative new system of development of food industry was worked out and implemented, a problem on formation of comprehensive whole of this sector of the economy was solved.

In order to ensure food security,the system of controls and coordination of the development of the food industry was formed. Association of the enterprises of the food industry was created on the basis ofthe former three economic associations.

From the first years of the independence, the main attention was focused on the development of small and private businesses, which was the basis of the market economy.

For a short time, task programmes on ensuring food independence were worked out and realized. As a result, Uzbekistan not only meets the requirement in food stuff, but also significantly increased the volume of their export.

In the social plan, effective mechanism without analogues on adopting strong social policy and protection of the population was developed and implemented, by expansion the range and volume of qualitative production of food industry.

Government and territorial investment programmes of the development of the food industry are successfully implemented.

Only in 2008-2015, the total investment in the sphere of food industry exceeded 900 million dollars and more than 45 000 new workplaces were created, as well as, more than 400 million tons of new facilities were brought.

The food industry takes a leading position in the structure of industrial production of the republic, and equally with mechanical engineering,fuel and energy industry it is included to the list of leaders on output of industrial production.

In the structure of industry, the food industry takes the second place after mechanical engineering and makes up more than 16.2 percent. About 50% of enterprise of food industry have international certificates of implementation and effective functioning of the system of safety management of food products, based on the principles of ISO and HACCP.

The results of the reform and renewal of the food industry of the republic for the last period, have led not only to an increase of the volume and range of products, but also to the fundamental change in the minds and outlook of consumers to a healthy food. As well as, great results were achievedin the country’s integration to the world community in terms of food industry.

Sequentphases of development, programme tasks that, includes strategy of further development of food industry are built on this solid foundation.

As a result of reforms, growth rates of the food industry remain at the level of 8-10% annually in recent years, and following the results of 3 months of the current year this indicator constituted 14.8% (by association 25.5%).

The growth is achieved not due to the export of raw materials, but due to increase the volume of industrial outputs. A favourable, investment climate for foreign and native investors is created. Implementation of consistent policy on reducing a tax burden gives more impetus in the development of food industry.

This result was highly appreciated by foreign experts. It increases the opportunities of wide attraction of foreign capital and technologies to participate in the creation of joint ventures in the food industry and processing of agricultural products, in which we are interested.

At the same time for the interested investors, especially in the sphere of food industry, the most favourableregimewascreated.Examples of that can be number of large projects realized in Uzbekistan with the participation of foreign investors, such as “Nestlé”, “Pepsi Cola”, “Coca-Cola”, “UzBAT” and others with a total cost more than 10 billion US Dollars.

Today, more than 30% of food products are made by the subjects of small and private business. The strategy of further development of the food industry is aimed at ensuring consistent continuation and intensification of the course of comprehensive development of the food industry, increasing the volume and range of products.

At present in Uzbekistan, is being realizedthe large-scale programme on implementation of the state share in authorized funds of enterprises of the food industry in the first place to foreign investors. In addition, the programme for improvement of corporate management in the joint-stock companies, including related to the food industry is implemented.

Optimization of a management structure of a joint-stock company on the basis of comprehensive and deep studies of international experience, election of heads of executing agency on a competitive basis and involvement of foreign managers is provided.

We are sure that, such policy can create necessary conditions and solid foundations to achieve the long-term goalsbefore us – to be among the developed countries of the world, including in the food industry.

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