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Uzbekistan: Rebirth of Urgench excavator plant

15/09/2015 19:57

Recently opened in Urgench joint venture LLC "UzXCMG", 95,4 percent of shares acquired by SSRC "Uzbekistan Railways". In accordance with the decree of the head of state "On the Program of development of industrial potential of Khorezm region for 2013-2015" dated 22 November 2012, the company "Uzbekistan Temir Yollari" implemented on the basis of "Urganch Excavator" project "Production and repair of hydraulic excavators and spare parts to them ".

In September last year SSRC "Uzbekistan Railways" and the Chinese corporation "Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group" signed an agreement on establishing a joint venture in the form of a limited liability company "UzXCMG". The main specialization of the new company - manufacturing and maintenance of hydraulic excavators and other construction equipment, as well as the production of spare parts and accessories. The first batch of large-hub units and auxiliary materials have entered the business. Start assembling ten hydraulic excavators. And by the end of this year, it plans to produce 175 of these excavators. After the release of the production capacity is expected that the annual production volume was 200 excavators.

    The first excavator produced on JV "UzXCMG", free of charge solemnly handed the Khorezm region. The ceremony was attended by Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan B.Zakirov.

- With the support of the republic's leadership in our country laid the foundation for heavy engineering and industrial enterprises today our company each year to build thousands of new trucks and 50 passenger cars. As part of the company successfully operates eight industrial enterprises, among which now a joint venture company "UzXCMG". The organization of production at the new joint venture is expected to perform the steps. In particular, over time, the production of certain welded structures and parts will be located, - said chairman of the SSRC "Uzbekistan Temir Yollari" Achilbay Ramatov.

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