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Uzbekistan: Darbazs of Khorezm

12/09/2015 19:50

Since ancient times, people of different solar Khorezm with their songs, the score and the words which sang about the life of these people, and the music was felt peculiar Khorezmians energy, liveliness, vitality. In this ancient land have grown and served the people well-known musicians, Bakhshi, poets, statesmen, artisans, craftsmen, palvans (fighters), clowns, puppeteers, clowns. They spoke to the people mostly at festivals, nationwide festivities-sayilyah. No less famous at the time were considered performance tightrope walkers - Darbaza. In the early-late 1 HHvv. Khiva Khanate in the love of the public deserve Kutlimurod darbaz of Gazavat, Adambay darbaz of Buzkaly Yangibazar district, Ibrahim darbaz Kiyat from the village of Khiva district. However, after a time, new art forms, evolving technology, there comes an age of globalization and high-wire performances are not popular of them even temporarily forget.

 In 1955 Khiva has sakinskaya Darbaza group headed by Adilzhanom Khakimov, who notices agility movements are not a professional tightrope walker Kadamba Jabbarov. So, they go together on the show. The first of which took place 3 days after departure to Dashauze. After receiving adequate training in A. Khakimov, he returned in 1960 in Khorezm, where he began to work independently. However, not everyone could learn the basics

kanatohodstva. Then Kadambay Ota said, "will continue to work if my children want to learn." His sons - Bahram (Governor Boris), Jahangir and Sanjarbek willingly learned walking on a tightrope. Since 1985, this art form once again becoming popular among the people. The eldest son of Bahram Kadambay ota from infancy starts to his sons - Alimardan, Ramadan Hudargana tightrope, instilling in them a love for kanatohodstvu and tempering the spirit, but also the will of the father and the dream. After seeing performances grandchildren -darbazov Kadambay Ota could not hide their tears - tears of joy, pride and happiness that his grandchildren are continuing his work. But the joy was not long, sudden death in early autumn took the life magnificent artists.

On the teachings of the late Kadambay ota recall often. About how he explained with simplicity not too lazy every meaning of the word "darbaz." So this word is actually composed of two words - "The Gift" -peretyanuty rope, and "database" - a game that is meant - "walking a tightrope, performing tricks, thus luring the audience." The instigator of the Darbaza according Kadambay Ota was Ali (son in law of the Prophet Muhammad, 4th Caliph, the is- deputy).

In ancient times there were various sayings as, "If you want to see performances darbaza, you need to reliably put" chugurmu "(male headdress), and she did not fly off with their heads." This meant that the trickster - darbaz walking a tightrope high, showing the various movements your skills. It is possible to gaze and not notice how drops his headdress.

Drag ropes were 3 types: the height of the traditional rope Composes - 21, and oblong-37m., The size of the rope slightly smaller height -12-15m. And -13m. length The 3,4,7 knots moved up on either side of the ropes. These rope darbaz gradually climbed up using 5 meter paddle (wood). Standing, walking back and forth, sometimes could carry on his shoulders another darbaza, and at the top shows a representation on the stairs and on the rope.

During this presentation the bottom read poetry to music, which superstitious people asked by darbaza blessings or giving birth to childless families, etc. That is, people believe that there is some connection between Darbaza and God, so ask for blessings from Allah through darbaza.

It is now widely used ropes with a rope ladder. Their height of 9m., Longitude 10 m., The distance between the stairs-5m. These ropes are very comfortable using them when the celebrations and festivals. They Khiva darbaz aka Boris uses a number of techniques, together with his sons, as running on a rope; somersault on it back and forth; lifting partner (standing) on ​​the head or shoulders, moreover, with both eyes bandaged. Yet there are also performances as the transfer of two Darbaza one partner on the shoulders of twine way; move three people in a pyramid; transition through three Darbaza rope on each other's shoulders. A welcome reception head down to pull up their feet, go to the reception of a crocodile, the transition of a minor partner through a thin wire, as well as two reception transfer Darbaza partner upside down, standing on the bridge on the shoulders of the two men of great interest and enthusiasm from the audience. They were accompanied by the sounds of the bottom surnay Carney, percussion instruments.

There were even submitted to the simdare (wire rope) designed for narrow circles. Simdar considered the initial view of a large rope.

Such performances can be seen today. The madrasa MR Feruza in Ichan-Qala in Khiva group Darbaza that are descendants of the late Kadambay ota Jabbarov show their ideas for those who want to see for yourself the magic of movement and a variety of tricks on the rope.

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