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Uzbekistan: Uzbekistan - our native common home. SECULAR values and traditions - an important factor of education of the healthy child

05/09/2015 20:33

Today, representatives of many nationalities living in our country are actively involved in all spheres of public life, widely demonstrating their abilities.

The ongoing transformation affects the interests and welfare of the people. This, in turn, is the basis of ongoing reforms in all fields, good intentions to further improve people's living standards. Important importance is education of the younger generation in the spirit of national values ​​and traditions, mutual consent.

In the scientific seminar on the theme "The role of national values ​​in the education of the healthy child", held in the regional theater of musical drama named Ogahi it was noted that all the conditions for the harmonious development of the younger generation in our country.

The event was organized by the regional administration, the Office of Cultural Affairs and Sport, the regional branch of the public welfare fund "Mahalla", Regional Council ODM "Camelot", the regional department of justice, the regional representative Board of Muslims of Uzbekistan, the regional branch of the Creative Union of Uzbekistan "Tasviriy oyina" were demonstrated national values, traditions and customs, art representatives of different peoples living in our country. The big impression on the participants produced the exhibition "We - the children of one family", which presented samples of products that reflect the traditions, customs and culture of the people.

The seminar was opened by governor P.Bobozhonov.

The event was also attended by the Deputy State Adviser to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan M.Ahmedzhanov.

The seminar was also addressed by the Chairman of the Committee on Religious Affairs under the Cabinet of Ministers O.Yusupov, director of the International Cultural Center N.Muhammadiev.

The head of the regional center of propagation of spirituality Sh.Yahshibaev spoke on "A healthy baby, healthy family - healthy society".

- King in general for all of us the house - Uzbekistan - peace and quiet, the socio-political and economic stability are the great achievement of our people, - said the chairman of the regional Russian Cultural Centre Venus Salunina. - Our main objective is to educate the youth in such noble qualities as compassion, generosity, harmony, respect for national and universal values, as well as the development of the culture and customs of living in our country, representatives of various nations and nationalities, to further strengthen inter-ethnic harmony.

At the end of the seminar creative collectives of cultural centers were singing and dancing in the artistic program "Biz Sening farzandlaringmiz, Uzbekistan". For the participants there was showed a documentary film "Uzbekistan - bagrikeng DIYOR."

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