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Uzbekistan: Craftsmen Heritage of Abdulla Boltaev

21/06/2015 16:51

Who breathed life into each hyphen drawing he found the key the secrets of the art.



Yes, everyone who reads these words, feel the beauty, charm and peculiar originality ornament of Khiva. Khiva school of ornament known among similar schools in Central Asia since ancient times. In the early 19th century due to the fact that in Khorezm established a centralized state, the capital of the Khanate of Khiva city, was built many administrative and cultural buildings. During this period, we have developed various crafts: carving, woodcarving, visual arts ornament, formed a whole school of folk artists who raised the craft to a high level of development. They include designer ornament Ruzmat Arbob Masharipov, Abdullah Boltayev were master of woodcarving Ota Palvanov, Sapo Bagbekov, Karimbergan Rakhmanov, Dewan bobo. In the future, they will be honored Khiva school of art ornament, their talent and labor will achieve boundless respect for people. One of the founders of this school, People's Artist of Uzbekistan, winner of the State Prize -Abdulla Boltayev.

Boltaev Abdullah was born in 1890 in the center of Khiva Ichan - kale in a painter family. His father Muhammad Murad Saeed Pano Bolt ugli (son Boltas) was a native of the village Parish. After studying Painting, Bolta moved to the city, where he became a famous master of his craft. Family Bolta painter, as well as other families of artisans, experienced financial hardship. His successor Abdullah Boltaev left 88 notebooks describing his life. The notebook under №51 «Autobiography and marital status of Abdullah Boltaev" he wrote about himself: "Ahead of Juma mosque near the madrassa Mamat Pano Badyrhanbay was a big house. My father rented a small part of the house. At that time our family consisted of a father, mother and older brother. In this house, and I was born. There is also a small shop of his father, which sold paint and painting supplies. The owner sold the house Panobay Muhammad, then we were expelled. In 1900 we bought Aziz’s a small hotel jeweler, located in front of the mosque Kushbegi. Father agreed to a price of 350 gold coins.

First we were given a bit of money, and the rest had to pay monthly. The percent grew from day to day, the duty of the house, we paid only in 1918. our father had three sons. Brother Muhammad Rahim, I- Abdullah, and my younger brother Muhammad Karim. In the 10 years I went to school at the mosque Hasanmurad Kushbegi and finished "Ollayor Sufis" then I started, "Navoi", a new djadid school.

At that time, government officials and Islam Khodja Mamat Mahram opened a new methodical school (we knew of only one school of a new type, was opened by Islam Khodja. From the biography of Abdullah Boltaeva was known that in Khiva there were two new methodical schools). I, Matnazar Abdullayev and Otadjan Rakhmanov studied and learned to write beautifully at school of a new type, and we were given a diploma here, Because of my interest in learning, I was among the top students.

Father, noticed his son’s in the great ability, he decided to teach his craft and give him knowledge. After 4 years of training in the old regime school, 4 years of education at newmethodical father tought Abdullah as a pupil of the famous scribe, the ornament of the artist, poet Fakir Abdurazzakov measles Abdujabbar ugli (son Abdujabbarov). "4 years I learned from reading the Quran Fakir, calligraphy, painting ornament" – was wrote by Abdullah Boltayev.

In 1910-1912, in Khiva were built post office, telegraph, hospitals. The design of these buildings were made by Khanka master Bolta Vaisov and Madrahim Madaminov. Ornament was engaged  by artist Abdullah Boltayev. Khanka masters taught him the art of mosaic. In 1912, mentor Eshmuhammadom Hudayberdi and he worked together on the design and mosaic of tiles of Islam Khodja madrassah. In the years 1910-1912, Abdullah Boltayev worked in hall decorated mosaic palace Nurullabaya. In the 20 years Abdullah Boltaev became famous as a master of ganch and designer of ornaments. February 2, 1920 Khan was overthrown by government.

The country began feuding, times changed, and the masters had to do other things temporarily. In particular, From 1920 to 1924 he worked at the Inspectorate of Education as treasurer, secretary and economic workers. From 1924 until his death Abdullah Boltaev worked in the museum of Khiva, as a head, the assistant manager, the researcher.

In the mid-30s the group of government employees who  under the guidance Faizullakh Khodjaev, established branch of the Committee for the Protection of Monuments of History and Art in order to restore the ruined city in Khiva. The Committee taked control of all the historical buildings, to rebuild destroyed and damaged monuments. Chairman of Khiva department was Djumaniёz Babaniyoz ugli. Under his leadership, Kunya Arch began restoration work with the Khan's Palace in this charity really and Abdullah Boltaev participated as an artist on the ornament, master draftsman. He also worked as a chief master in the decoration of the hall for an audience, updating the portal and ceiling quince. Prior to 1934 there was a great gratitude to the work of masters under the guidance of Abdullah Boltaev (Atadjan master Vais master of Gandimiyona, painter Babadjan sandikchi, master Ruzmat Sharif ugli, Usta Muhammad Rahim Babadjan ugli, master ugli Rahimbergan Nurullah).

In 1935, when the farm "Umid" opened in Khiva, it was  set up shop on the art of ornamentation and carved columns. Abdullah was a head of the shop and master of carved columns Ota Palvanov. At the same time in Tashkent it was received a proposal on the establishment of a unique column. Making drawings of ornament for columns were engaged by Abdullah Boltayev and  rest of the work performed Ota Palvanov. In 1937 this column was sent to the international exhibition in Paris, where he was appreciated (Wizard learned about it only in 1948). However, since 1935, when the persecution began, many restoration worked in the city to a halt. By the end of the 30s, many buildings in the city of Khiva were destroyed. Two entering of Ichan Kala Kunya Ark and Tashhauli, a result of predatory action came in a dilapidated state.

Activities were planted  in a short time and they became prominent. The wizard state orders. In 1943 he arrived in Tashkent engineer S.N.Polupanov and signed a contract with team of "Umid". He ordered carved stairs, doors and other design works for the theater of Alisher Navoi. This order was executed to master Abdullah cBoltayev. When products were ready,  Abdullah Boltaev sent Pavlanov Ota and his disciples Dadadjonom Abdullayev Sapo Bagbekov Khodja Ahmad Ollayev, to Tashkent. After some time, we began  work at the Opera and Ballet Theatre named after Alisher Navoi theater, musical drama Mukimi. Khorezm masters Abdullah Boltayev and Ruzmat Arbob Masharipov reached to demonstrate the art of Khiva school of masters ganch, ornament.

The building of the Opera and Ballet Theatre named after Alisher Navoi is a shining example, it is a unique monument of Uzbek national art, culture and architecture. The building was designed by Academician Shchusev, construction was completed in 1947. Architects and builders have used the rich experience of national architecture and modern methods. On the paper were involved masters from various regions of Uzbekistan, each of which was able to express your style.

Each of the three floors there are halls, which were reflected in the design of the samples and patterns of architecture styles of each of the areas. At the initiative of Academician Shchusev and civil engineer S.N.Polupanova were invited to the leading masters of the areas to supervise work on the design of rooms The head of  Khiva hall Abdullah Boltayev, Bukhara - master Shirin Muradov, Tashkent - Tashpulat Arslankulov, Samarkand - master Kuli Jalilov, Fergana - Said Mahmud Norkuziev, Termiz - master Shirin Muradov and architect A.Zaynuddinov. The theatre building - a whole work of art, it is unique in its kind. The general management of work on the design of the theatre hall itself provided Shchusev. It provides full creative freedom masters, which gave them the opportunity to express more fully their capabilities and skills. For example, Boltaev Abdullah got his aim by desingning Khiva hall: to concentrate unique, original art ornamentation of Khorezm, a special place in the art averted and Khiva Kunya Urgench.

Job masters appreciated, they were all conditions. In 1948, when the theater opened, a group of artists was awarded the State Prize. Among them Boltaev Abdullah, who was not only awarded but admitted to the State Society of Architects. As a result of government assistance, particularly Usman Yusupov national art of Khorezm, namely revived folk art ornament. Upon completion of work in Tashkent Abdullah Boltaev back to Khiva and continued its activities in the museum on a researcher, head of the fund. Works in the museum, he devoted 40 years of his life. In order to preserve information about the cultural heritage of the edge of AbdullahBoltayev on the advice of a friend, the historian Yahyo Gulamov left 88 notebooks containing information about the history of Khorezm. Hitherto we studied only three of them. In his works Boltaev Abdullah described the event was witnessed by himself, interviews conducted with historical figures, and also the appropriate conclusions from them read old books.

He collected information can be divided into three parts:

- Description of the events, which had witnessed himself;

- Documents, culled from archival materials;

- Copies of documents that he collected since 1920, since the beginning of the work in the historical museum of Khiva.

Abdullah Boltaev had beautiful handwriting, sought to learn the secrets of the Uzbek language, language skills considered a sign of high culture. His writing notes in a notebook he wrote a pen stylus, made of reeds. He learned calligraphy from Ayudurazzaka measles Fakir and in his works, memoirs, he paid special attention to the art of calligraphy.

It is noteworthy that Abdullah memoirs Boltaeva historian Yahyo Gulomov used to create his book "History of Khorezm irrigation" and M.Yuldashev - "The political system and the feudal land tenure in the Khiva Khanate." Abdullah Boltaev transferred his skills to many young people, of who came out talented artists at ornamentation, master mosaic, wood carving and ganch. Bekchan Davletov, Karimbergan Kalandarov Bekchan Avezov, Abdulrahim Ahmadov, Bolta Babadjanov, Ildor Mutallapov and many others are proud of to call the master Abdullah "Our teacher".

Currently, Street Yichang feces, where he lived, was named after him, the name of the artist who left an inheritance to descendants unique, wonderful views of ornaments and historical knowledge is always held in high esteem.

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