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Uzbekistan: Cozy town

05/05/2015 16:23

The administrative center of Khorezm region – the city of Urgench is situated not far from the banks of the Amu Darya, which can rightly be called as the most mysterious city of Uzbekistan. Scientists still cannot establish the exact date of its appearance, because in the ancient chronicles that have been found by archaeologists, Urgench was called variously: Gurgandj, Gurganch, and sometimes even Djurdjania.


But scientists have a plausible assumption that Urgench was founded in the XVII century by the residents of Kun – Urgench, who were forced to move from their home town in connection with water shortage and change of the Amu River watercourse.


The city is located 1100 km to the west of Tashkent, 12 km to the west of the coast of the Amu Darya (Chalish landing stage), at the Shavat channel. “Urgench” airport, railway station in Turkmenabat line – Beyneu. 90% of the population are Uzbeks, 5% - Russian, 3% - the Kazakhs, Turkmens, Koreans, 2% - Germans and Jews.


The city transport of Urgench is represented by buses, trolley buses and taxis. There is a unique trolleybus line in Central Asia, with length of 31,3 km between the city of Urgench and Khiva. Since, Khorezm region is known for its city-monument – an ancient Khiva, and air gate leading to it is the airport of Urgench. Upon completion of work on modernization, the airport of Urgench gained international status and fully complies with the standards of the 1st category of ICAO. For the convenience of tourists, here are not only spacious lounges, but also souvenir shops, cafes and currency exchange. There are regular flights to the capital of Uzbekistan – Tashkent, as well as flights to Moscow, St.Petersburg, Paris and Frankfurt.




Most recently, an opening ceremony of railway station in Urgench after the completion of the major renewal was held. Now the station can easily cope with large passenger flows, and for the near future, it is planned to launch a new high-speed train Urgench-Bukhara-Samarkand.


Currently, a created square and a new monument at the center of Urgench al-Khorezmi are dedicated to this ancient scientist.


Another attraction of the city is the monument of Djalaliddin Manguberdi. Djalaliddin Manguberdi was the eldest son of the great khorezmshakh Muhammad II. He was trained as a warrior, and when he grew up, became a respected among the population, ruling as a legitimate and fair ruler.


Djalaliddin Manguberdi is a national hero, the 800th anniversary of whom was celebrated in 1999. This architectural complex is dedicated to the worthy son of his people, who boldly goes to meet dangers.


Monument of Avesta is built off the Shavat coast. Avesta is an ancient book, which reflected fundamental principles of Zoroastrianism, largely impacted on the development of religion. Avesta is a unique piece of ancient literature, a real encyclopedia of culture of the Central Asian people. That monument is devoted to this book, which is performed in the form of an enlarged copy of a great book. Peculiar contrast of white and red elements gives the monument a hidden meaning and the majestic scale.


Modern Urgench is not only well-preserved architectural monuments, which are proud of the locals, but also is a cozy, well-landscaped city.


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