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Uzbekistan: Karakalpakstan: heydays and creation

13/02/2015 21:35

Our dear homeland - the Republic of Uzbekistan for the 20 years of independent development has passed a path that is equal to ages. During this short historical period, the outlook of our cities and villages, of the whole country, socio-political life of the society have changed considerably. One may observe sustained growth practically in all spheres and sectors. Most importantly, in the soul of our people has emerged a feeling that he is the master of his land and that he is inseparable part of and responsible for the present and future of his great motherland. It needs to be stressed that over the past 20 years enormous changes have occurred in each territorial unit of the country.

The evidence of these developments we can see in the case of the region located in the far north of Uzbekistan - The Republic of Karakalpakstan.

It is known that the Republic of Karakalpakstan with its munificence and originality has a unique place in the socio-economic development of the Republic оf Uzbekistan. When we speak of this, we recall the words of the President Islam Karimov that the people of Karakalpakstan have always been in support of our entire region as an unshakable mountain.

Therefore, during the years of independence, it has been provided considerable attention towards the development of Karakalpakstan. Thanks to this attention paramount changes and large-scale developments have been achieved in every part of the republic: in the capital city of Nukus, regional centers, villages, and even in the most remote areas. In, this regard, it is particularly important to mention the Programme on the Socio-economic Development of the Republic of Karakalpakstan which was advanced by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

It is important to stress that the entire Programme is aimed at transforming the republic that for centuries had been a backward agricultural region into the region with modern productions, developed socio-economic infrastructure, transport and communication networks and high skilled human resources.

As a result of consistent implementation of the Programme, Karakalpakstan - the region that was lagging behind the development and was on the brink of environmental disaster - has been developed beyond recognition. Now it is growing at a steady pace, and becoming more and more beautiful.

Today it is rather difficult to count all the changes in the socio-economic sphere, as well as other reconstruction and development projects that have been implemented here since the independence. Kungrad Soda Production Plant which called «a miracle in the desert» (unique in Central Asia), Hodzheyli Glass Factory, a joint venture «Markaziy Osiyo Bezak Toshlari», Kungrad Carbide Production Plant, marble and cable production plants in Nukus, gas deposits in Urga, modern production facilities «Eltex» and «Caltex», modern buildings of Zhukorgi Kenges of Karakalpakstan, Nukus branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies, College of Olympic Reserves, 345-km long railway «Navoi-Nukus», a large bridge connecting Khodjeyli with Nukus, Kungrad highway, dozens of schools, high schools and colleges and many other children's schools of arts, music and sports – all are the gifts of independence.

Most importantly, people of Karakalpakstan always striving for the brightest future, has reached their goals for a peaceful and prosperous life. At the same time, due to the independence, created an opportunity to restore and develop their own history, cultural heritage and national traditions.

Karakalpakstan is located in the north-western part of Uzbekistan, in the lower reaches of the Amudarya river and the southern shores of the Aral Sea. The southwestern part of the region bordered with the Karakum desert. To the northwest it is bordered with Ustyurt plateau and in the northeast - with the Kyzylkum desert. Karakalpakstan occupies a territory of 166.6 thousand square kilometers, and thus it has the highest footprint of all areas of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Its population exceeds 1.7 million people.

The administrative-territorial structure of the republic consists of 14 districts and two cities.

These are Amudarya, Beruniy, Karauzyak, Kegeyli, Kungrad, Kanglikul, Muynak, Nukus, Tahtakupir, Turtkul, Hodzheyli, Chimbay, Shumanay, Ellikkala, and the cities of Nukus and Tahiatash.

Karakalpakstan - a sovereign republic within the Republic of Uzbekistan with a parliamentary form of government. Karakalpakstan has its own constitution, flag, emblem and anthem.

The Constitution of Karakalpakstan and its laws do not contradict the Constitution and the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan shall be binding on the Republic of Karakalpakstan.

The principal governing body of the republic is the chairman of Zhukorgi Kenges - the Parliament of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.

The highest executive body of the Republic of Karakalpakstan is the Council of Ministers approved by the Zhukorgi Kenges. The Council of Ministers consists of the chairman, his deputies, ministers, chairmen of the state committees, heads of major corporations and associations. Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan is part of the Cabinet of Ministers according to his status.

In the capital of the Republic of Uzbekistan - Tashkent, under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan carries out its activities a permanent representative of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.

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