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Uzbekistan: A gradual improvement of the quality of life

06/08/2018 12:57

In order to implement the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the program "Obod Qishloq"and the resolution "On additional measures to implement the program Obod Qishloq in 2018", a large-scale work is being carried out in the Khorezm region, clearly defining the tasks and mechanisms for implementing the adopted program.

Today it is being introduced, first of all, in remote settlements and districts. In accordance with the program, a gradual improvement of the quality of life of the population, giving the village a modern appearance, as well as creating new jobs for the residents will be carried out.

Makhalla "Mangitlar" in Kalandar Durman village of Yangibazar district is also included in the program. Here in 260 houses there are 3 180 inhabitants, in a comprehensive school, in which 357 pupils are being taught, and a preschool institution for 120 places will be repaired.

The slate in roofswill be updated in 168 residential buildings. A new 3,5km power line is being built here, where a new 131 concrete pillar will be installed. Major overhaul is carried out on the section of 1.5km of gas pipelines, 2.2km of painting gas pipes, switchboards, and maintenance - 22 gas distribution points.

Similar activities are organized to improve the water supply system. Employees of the relevant organizations are replacing obsolete water pipes with new ones on a two and six-kilometer section and cleaning will be carried out on a four-kilometer section.

Before the road transport enterprises of the region, the task is to repair a 12-kilometer section of internal roads.

In general, in the mahalla there is a picture of a big construction site, where everyone is busy with a certain job. While finishing the facade of their houses, residents receive preferential loans, improve the roofing. 5 tons of facade paint has been allocated from the state funds for residents of the mahalla at a reduced price of 45 percent.

According to the chairman of the meeting of citizens Jumanazar Boltaev, the residents of the mahalla are very pleased with the ongoing work within the framework of the "Well-organized Countryside" program. Especially in this year in the mahalla the construction of a new minimarket, a mini-bakery, a social and veterinary pharmacy, a store selling mineral fertilizers, beauty salons and other objects are planned. People are grateful to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the great attention and care given to the inhabitants of remote villages.

Kalandardurman in the near future will be more beautiful and better. The work carried out in the Mangitlar mahalla once again confirms that the reforms in Uzbekistan, first of all, are aimed at raising the standards of people’s lives.

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