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Uzbekistan: Intellectual development of children

06/08/2018 12:56

A training seminar on "Communication and Leadership" was held in the Khorezm branch of the "SOS - Children's Villages of Uzbekistan" Association, where children aged 9 to 13, who remained without the care of parents and relatives, as well as from socially vulnerable families, took part.

The training was a list of games and exercises that are simple and effective, easily remembered for teenagers.They can be used in a wide variety of situations for participants with the widest age, professional and social composition. During the event, nine exercises included in the training program were conducted with children.

According to the specialists, through these exercises, children develop the knowledge and skills how to properly build a dialogue when communicating with people, clearly and concisely expound their thoughts, confirm their statements with facts, nurture such qualities as openness, friendliness, trust in each other.

As the methodologist of the department on methodological provision and organization of work of the public education institutions of the Shavat district Khusnuddin Jumabayev noted, the youth have wide prospects for free expression these days. In the process of such training, the creative atmosphere reigns, children with the help of color pencils and markers embody on paper the most daring ideas and fantasies, create people’s figures from paper, models of buildings and cars.

Improvement of self-thinking and intellect among the young generation is the main task facing educational institutions and public organizations.


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