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Uzbekistan: Multinational community in peace and harmony

16/07/2018 04:01

Eastern wisdom says "Peace in the neighborhood - peace in your house". It is also relevant today, as representatives of over 30 nationalities live in the Khorezm region of Uzbekistan.

Relations that have developed in the region between representatives of different Diasporas are based on the principles of friendship, peace and harmony.

According to Ilmira Kabulova, director of Urgench public school No.28, the festival of friendship "We are Together", under the motto "We are all for happiness," held by pupils of the school, once again demonstrated to all its guests and participants how important it is to strengthen and save the world. Representatives of regional Tatar, Russian, Kazakh, Korean cultural centers, as well as the Uzbek-Turkmen friendship society were invited to the event as guests. The concert began with greetings in different languages: "Assalomu aleykum!", "Hello!", "Gamarjoba!", "Zdorovenki Buli!", "Isenmesiz!", "Anion Haseio!" Then the participants told a brief history of each country presented at the festival, which was accompanied by interesting videos.

Children in national costumes performed folk dances, sang songs in different languages. Songs, music and colorful costumes made a good impression on the audience.

The event was another contribution to strengthening friendship, peace and harmony among representatives of all Diasporas living in the Khorezm region.

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