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Uzbekistan: Innovative approach in teaching foreign languages

16/07/2018 03:59

In the system of public education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, much attention is paid to the study of foreign languages, as well as the introduction of modern pedagogical technologies and the adaptation of the educational process to international standards.

In the public school №3 in the city of Urgench, students try to speak in English not only during classes, but also outside the classroom to become more fluent in it. Signboards and banners have been installed there in Uzbek, Russian, and English; posters demonstrate the history of a foreign language, from which one can learn about the culture and traditions of English-speaking countries.

According to the teacher of the Urgench public school No.3 Feruza Rakhimova, teaching staff holds exhibitions, contests and quizzes every school year, and May is arranged as a month of English. In the current year, open lessons were organized, during which the best of the students were identified. Interactive forms and a wide range of visual aids and technical means ensure high efficiency of the learning process. Interest in the subject of the children is instilled through the use of gaming methods, active oral communication both in class and in their free time.

As a result, pupils of the school regularly take prizes in intellectual competitions in English, for example, Mahkambek Atajanov, Rushana Babazhanova.

In this academic year, at the beginning of April, the school hosted a conference on the preparation of young diplomats, the development of organizational skills among young people, and the training of public speaking arts, organized by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Students of schools were selected on a competitive basis and 13 students of this school became its participants.


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