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Uzbekistan: Export growth

08/06/2018 16:21

To improve the social status of the society and to increase the welfare of the people, the government of Uzbekistan is carrying out reforms to develop entrepreneurship and create a favorable investment climate. Small business and private entrepreneurship play an important role in the economy of the Khorezm region - the population is getting employed, competitiveness grows, and also the share of exports of local products.

The joint Uzbek-Belarusian enterprise in the form of LLC "CILASUN TASHKENT" also contributes to the economy.

Dynamically developing enterprise, which was set up in 2009 in the Khanka district, established itself as a manufacturer of high-quality products. 2000 tons of cotton fibers are processed here each year. As a result of investments made for 2.8 million USD, modern equipment was installed in the factory workshops, which allows producing yarn of the highest demand, the bulk of which is exported to Russia, Belarus, and Poland. In addition, in Minsk, its own trading house has been operating since 2016.

According to the head of the enterprise YusufjonSadikov, the demand for products is large, both inside the country and outside of it. If in 2017 - 663.9 tons of yarn were produced in the shops of the enterprise, 468 tons were exported to foreign countries. Besides, products were exported for 200 thousand USDduring two months this year. Thanks to the created conditions, as well as customs and tax incentives for entrepreneurs, it is possible to save the enterprise's funds, thereby expanding production.

In order to increase today's indicators and improve the quality of products, it is planned to modernize production in the near future, which will create new jobs for the villagers. For today, investment projects for the modernization of the enterprise, as well as the production of semi-finished products are included in the targeted program, due to which in the near future the sewing and knitting department will develop; modern German equipment will be purchased. Thus, the enterprise will be able to double production capacity and create 50 new job places. Today about 80 people are employed in the workshops, including college graduates. The stable work of the enterprise is facilitated by the creation of the necessary conditions for productive labor and adequate rest for textile workers, training of young personnel. With the approach of the end of the academic year graduates of professional colleges come here. Those who are most prepared are hired.  Employees of the enterprise are provided with the uniform and hot meals. For those who live in distant villages, a bus is allocated. Modern foreign-made equipment is installed in the workshops. There is a laboratory for checking the quality of cotton.

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