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Uzbekistan: Healthy families - welfare of the state

08/06/2018 16:20

In the Decree adopted by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to improve the system of public administration in the field of physical culture and sports" the trade union organizations are tasked with restoring the sports and fitness society of trade unions, modernizing departmental sports bases, organizing public sections and clubs to attract young people to physical training and sports.

In order to fulfill it, to strengthen the health of workers and their families, the Khorezm regional association of trade union organizations held sport competitions under the motto "Healthy family" in the sports complex “Yoshlik” in the city of Urgench.

More than 4 thousand families participated in the first and second stages of these competitions, which took place in neighborhoods, cities and districts.

In the final third stage of the competition, 22 families competed for prizes. They competed in running with obstacles, tug-of-war, performing acrobatic elements, throwing the ball into the basketball basket.

The first place was taken by the family (with the participation of boys) of the Ahmedovs from the Shavat district, the second - by the family of the Yeghamovs from the Yangiarik district, the third went to the Sapaevs from the Yangibazar district. Among the families with the participation of girls, the Hajiyevs from the Yangiarik district took the first place, the second - the Rakhimovs from the Khanka district, and the third - the Kurbanovs from the Shavat district.

The winners in the nominations "The fastest family", "The most active team" and "The most amicable family" were defined. Winners were awarded with diplomas and valuable gifts.

Family sporting events serve to increase the effectiveness of the work carried out to develop the physical culture and sports movement, to strengthen the health of the population, to establish a healthy spiritual atmosphere in families, to popularize family sports in the upbringing of the younger generation.

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