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Uzbekistan: Collaboration between higher education and vocational educational institutions

08/06/2018 16:16

Based on the growing modern requirements in the 2017-2018 academic years, the cooperation of the Urgench State University with secondary specialized, professional educational institutions is set at a new level. Over 40 professors and leading specialists of the university are attached to colleges and lyceums. Bilateral agreements have been signed; a program and plans have been developed.

The main objectives and tasks of cooperation are the development of methods, advanced pedagogical technologies, teaching aids, educational literatureand electronic textbooks. Also, joint activities include the involvement in the research work of young teachers, carrying out with the participation of experienced university specialists activities aimed at improving the qualifications of teachers of secondary specialized, professional educational institutions (organization of seminars, open lessons, laboratory and practical classes, lectures). Favorable conditions are created for students during the period of their practice, events are held for gifted young people who want to continue their education at universities and prepare them for tests. Work is being carried out to improve professional skills, the responsibility of pedagogical personnel, further strengthening the knowledge and skills of teachers of secondary specialized and vocational educational institutions, in the sphere of small business and private entrepreneurship. As a result of joint work, the access of pupils of lyceums and colleges to information resource centers (IRC) and other material and technical facilities of the university is expanding. Monitoring of the work of the IRC of these educational institutions is being carried out; assistance is provided in the enrichment of their funds with new literature and electronic textbooks.

As the assistant professor of Urgench State University D. Khudoyberganov noted, in order to accomplish these tasks, teachers attend lyceums and colleges once a week, analyze lessons, maintain attendance statistics, conduct exemplary lessons, explain how to use innovations, information and communication technologies, organize master-classes on specialties and seminar-trainings for teachers, as well as various spiritual and educational and cultural events.

Cooperation of the university with secondary specialized, professional educational institutions contributes to the formation of professional, high spiritual and moral qualities among the young generation.

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