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Uzbekistan: Promotion of reading culture

08/06/2018 16:15

A good book is the faithful companion of a child on the way to becoming an individual. After all, through reading, children open up a vast world of knowledge. The book shapes their outlook, educates young readers as harmoniously and spiritually developed intellectualindividuals.

Today in the book market of Uzbekistan there is a rich choice of children's literature. This can be seen by visiting the exhibition-sale of books, which was opened in the 36th comprehensive school of the Bagat district of the Khorezm region. A wide range of books in Uzbek, Russian and English are offered for children and teenagers. The exhibition is visited by hundreds of local residents every day. Here they are attracted not only by acceptable prices. Books, educational literature are in the public domain, which allows visitors to get acquainted with their content. Young children are offered literature on developing thinking as well as preparing for school. For students there are textbooks, dictionaries, encyclopedias and books for extracurricular reading.

As the school teacherKamilAbdullayev noted, the exhibition-sale was organized within the framework of fulfilling one of the main tasks of the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the program of complex measures for the development of the publishing system, distribution of books, improving the reading culture."It is pleasant that more and more parents come here with their children, because if a child chooses a book, he will definitely read it. Books contribute further approval in the life of the noble traditions, in particular, improving the reading culture, which is crucial for the growth of the spiritual and moral potential, educate the young generation in the spirit of love for the Motherland.

Every day more and more visitors are attracted by the book exhibition. Its organizers are trying to create all the proper conditions for readers, so that the meeting with the new book becomes an important and memorable event in their life.

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