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Uzbekistan: Revival of ancient craft

08/06/2018 16:14

One of the widespread types of folk-applied art in Asian countrieshas been chasing on copper –“Kandakorlik”. In Khorezm this art form was developed in the III-IV centuries AD. Coining on copper at that time was mainly used to decorate dishes. Then masters improved the manufacture of red and yellow copper - candlesticks, jugs, “kumgans” and other products. According to the patterns on them the author could be easily identified.

There were special workshops and markets selling products made of copper.Schools were opened for this kind of art.

Kandakorlik - decorative chasing for metal - this is a fine handmade work done by a special tool,subsequently polished, which gives the products shine.

Khorezm masters applied to the surface of metal patterns “Islimi”, a complex rounded islimi - floral ornament, “Chirik” - geometric patterns. From the kandakors of the beginning of the XX century to our times there have been masters as Khajiniyoza, Saidniezova, MatyakubaJonibekova, BekchanYakubov, OtayonaMadrakhimova, who were engaged in coinage. The city of Khiva opened theartelsnamed Umid and Uchkun. Their work was led by SobirjonKhudaiberganov. The main representative of the masters of coinage on copper was BekchanYakubov. According to the drawings of Abdulla Baltayev, he made kumgans and souvenirs.

At the beginning of the last century, similar to some other kinds of folk-applied art, chasing for metal lost its relevance due to a large supply of metal dishes.

Only in 1978 the Republican specialized creative and production association "Usto" was established, and this year it celebrates its 40th anniversary with its structural departments in the regions. Thanks to the efforts of the old masters of copper coinage, work on this art form was resumed. The names of the new masters BekturdyJumaniyazov, ShavkatOtajonov, UlugbekMasharipov, BakhodirBabadjanov, JumanazarMasharipov appeared. The products made by them are as magnificent as the works of the recognized kandakors by their beauty.

However, in the reports of the association "Hunarmand" at the moment there are only two kandakors who work in this kind of art. This, definitely, is not enough.

As the art critic OzodSultanov stated, today they need to comprehensively deal with the development of folk-applied art for their transfer to the younger generation. In the cities of Urgench and Khiva it is necessary to open schools for teaching young people such professions as carving on “Ganch”, wood, metal, making household and decorative and artistic blue ceramics, carpet weaving, attracting to this well-known masters in Khorezm region who have great experience and knowledge for transfer to their youth.

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