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Uzbekistan: Reforms in science and education

08/06/2018 16:13

The scientific community of the Khorezm region greeted with great enthusiasm the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan ShavkatMirziyoyev "On measures to improve the remuneration system for employees of Higher Educational and Research Institutions of the Republic."

Much attention, which is given to the development of science and the training of scientific personnel, is capable of ensuring the accelerated development of all sectors.

As the Head of the Department of Pharmacology and Pathological Physiology of the Urgench Branch of the Tashkent Medical Academy, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor SoloyIsmoilov stated, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to improve the remuneration system for employees of Higher Educational and Research Institutions of the Republic" has become a stimulus for all scientists in their research activities.

Without science, it is impossible to imagine tomorrow's day of medicine, in particular - pharmacology. This direction in medicine is in constant development. The search for new medicines to combat various diseases is the main goal of research in this field. The territory of Uzbekistan is an inexhaustible treasury of unique medicinal plants, many properties of which have not been sufficiently studied. Over the years of his scientific work, Professor Ismoilov published more than 250 works, including 2 monographs, 3 textbooks, more than 50 teaching aids for students of medical universities. Most of his scientific research is devoted to the medicinal properties of preparations obtained from plants growing in the Khorezm region.

Thanks to the adopted resolution, which provides for a significant increase in all basic salary levels of the teaching staff of universities and research staff from September 1, 2018, the quality of education will increase, and Higher Education will be further developed. For example, in the Urgench branch of the Tashkent Medical Academy, gifted young students are actively involved in scientific activities. Interesting innovative ideas in the field of pharmacology were put forward by students SarvarRuzmetov, AdkhamboyAskarov, IzzatBobojonov. They participate with their developments in the regional and republican intellectual contests.

The scientists of the region have intensified their scientific activities, increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of their research.

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