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Uzbekistan: Favorable opportunities for national craftsmanship

04/04/2018 22:31

In order to stimulate the work of national craftsmen, the integral part of the culture of Uzbekistan, which was revered by ancestors for centuries, an Order of the Head of the State “About the measures on further development of craftsmanship and comprehensive support of artisans” was adopted.

As the head of the Khorezm regional administration of the association “Hunarmand” Javlon Sharipov noted, in their administration 490 artisans were registered. Many of them are hereditary masters of applied arts. Among them Madrim Matkarimov from Khiva district. Together with his family, he opened a workshop in Khiva, where today carpet products and suzane are made. His mother Guljon Djumaniyazova handed down to him all the secrets of carpet weaving.

At the workshop, he organized a school “master-student” for training carpet weaving and production of natural paints for yarn.

It is gratifying that today a number of talented artisans are increased, who received the above-mentioned Order of the Head of the State with enthusiasm. The provision about the payment for the rent of the state property, which will be set at 50 percent of the minimum rental rate, and the organization of the annual international exhibition of handicraft products “Oltin qo’l hunarmand”, which will stimulate their future activities are great incentive for these masters.

For the beginner craftsmen who are the pupils of the school “master-student”, now the training will be included in the work record. Most young people show their interest in sewing, embroidering, woodcarving, carpet weaving. Now this is included in the educational program of professional colleges, where famous artisans of the country will teach the youth.

The given opportunities to artisans will help not only to expand the business, but also to hand down to young people their skills so that they can continue the traditions of recognized masters of Khorezm.



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