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Uzbekistan: Role of the mahalla in well-being of the families

04/04/2018 22:30

In the mahalla “Ishchilar” in Khazarasp district, Khorezm region, the effective work of the commissions were established on the main areas of activity of citizens’ meetings, such as social support, spirituality and enlightenment, working with women, reconciliation, and others.

According to adviser on religious enlightenment, spiritual and moral education of the mahalla citizens’ meeting “Ishchilar” in Khazarasp district Rohatjon Iskandarova, their main task is to ensure a stable social environment in the mahalla; raising the spiritual level of the youth; strengthening of the feelings of mutual respect, kindness and charity in their mind; guarding the younger generation from contradictory spiritual ideas and ideological threats. The organized social structure “Parents’ University” in the mahalla, which cooperates in the liaisons of “family-mahalla is an educational institution” and contributes to the effectiveness of education of youth, is of great importance in this.

The members of the reconciliation commission pay special attention on establishing a healthy lifestyle in the mahalla, preserving and developing exemplary, national, religious traditions and customs, and strengthening the peace in the families. Over the past time of this year, their efforts prevented several family conflicts. Activists visit each house, talk to the representatives of young families and do not spare their advice and admonitions for them.

It is gratifying that the number of women entrepreneurs are increasing. Bibisora Otajonova is one of them. In her sewing workshop, 25 women work, mostly graduates of professional colleges. This year, another six girls were employed here.

Also in the mahalla about 40 women are engaged in home business. For example, Zamira Matrizayeva makes confectionery. At the same time, she teaches nine girls of the mahalla to cook sweets.

There is also circles “Diligent girls” were organized, in two secondary schools located in the territory of the mahalla. These circles help in preparation of girls for family life, improve their medical culture, increase their responsibility for their health, as well as a sense of duty before society and the state. Meetings and talks with the younger generation in educational institutions are organized, in which issues of healthy lifestyles, prevention of offenses, negative consequences of bad habits, enhancement of legal and medical culture are discussed. Such activities are relevant for the civil and patriotic education of youth.




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