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Uzbekistan: Sport games begin from mahallas

04/04/2018 22:29

The sport is of great importance in the upbringing of young generation and their achievements of perfection. A large-scale work is being carried out in the mahallas of Khorezm region of Uzbekistan. Modern playgrounds in mahallas, gyms in schools, colleges and lyceums were built.

According to the deputy chairman of the Khorezm regional territorial council for coordinating the activities of citizens’ self-government bodies on issues of the youth Behzod Masharipov, going for sports not only strengthens human health, but also supports to popularize a healthy lifestyle among youth and to organize cultural leisure for children. This year in all mahallas of the region there were organized competitions “The future of our football”, “Mahallamiz pahlavonlari” ("Strong men of the mahalla”), “Mahallamiz badmintonchirari” ("Badminton players of the mahalla”); the relay race “Daddy, Mom and I - an athletic family”; draughts and chess “We are an intellectual family”. Moreover, many other sports were organized and attended by about 300 thousand representatives of the younger generation. In the city and district stages of these competitions took part more than 5 thousand young men and girls, as well as young families. More than 25 million sums have been allocated to encourage active participants.

Conducted sports competitions contribute to the education of young people physically healthy, strong-willed and mature in all respects individuals who are ready to take responsibility for the future of Uzbekistan.



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