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Uzbekistan: Beautification activities in mahallas

04/04/2018 22:28

This year, announced as the Year of Dialogue with the People and Human Interests by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, representatives of state administrations and public organizations, city and district administrations in mahallas, meetings with the population are organized. They listened to people’s problems in them, studied and found their solution in time.

According to the chairman of the citizens’ meeting of the mahalla “Avesto” of Urgench city Khudoshkur Barkaliev, there are 1 096 families in their mahalla. They try to keep abreast of all events in order to effectively solve the accumulated problems. A meeting of the head of Urgench city also was held with the residents of the mahalla. In the course of the dialogue, they talked about their problems. On the basis of an in-depth analysis, measures have been taken on their solution. In particular, at the request of the residents of the street K.Otaniyozov with the involvement of sponsors near the multistorey block of flats, a children’s playground was built. Also, conditions have been created for irrigation of lawns, the roof of one of the apartment buildings has been overhauled completely.

As the resident of the mahalla Jumagul Yangiboyeva noted, their children had nowhere to play. At the meeting, they addressed to the administration of Urgench city with this question. Their proposal was approved, and a children’s playground was constructed in the courtyard of four-story houses. All residents of the street are happy with this.

According to the chairman of the mahalla citizens’ meeting Khudoshkur Barkaliev, in the summer the entrances of apartment buildings were repaired. On the 100th anniversary of the birth of People’s Artist of Uzbekistan Komiljon Otaniyozov, the House-Museum of the great singer was opened in Zarafshon Street. In this regard, the facades of all houses on this street have been renovated. In the frame of preparation for the autumn-winter period, obsolete water pipes have been replaced by strong plastic pipes.

The first city family polyclinic renders the medical services to the residents of the mahalla. Labor veteran Guljon Matyoqubova is satisfied with the services rendered by medical workers.

The chairman of the citizens’ meeting of the mahalla, Khudoshkur Barkaliev, every morning, walking through the streets of his native mahalla, involuntarily thinks about the enormous opportunities that gave them independence. He notes that realizing the essence of reforms, everyone has a natural sense of involvement to these creative achievements. The residents of the mahalla live in peace and harmony, showing care and respect for elders, helping each other in everything, be it a wedding or other events. Here, as in all the mahallas people see of the youth to the army, are happy with the birth of the child in the family, keep the street clean and in order, organize hashars (cleaning days). These days, the residents of the mahalla are preparing for the national holiday - the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, beautify the territory of their mahalla, activists of the citizens’ meeting visit low-income families, lonely sick people, old people, and provide them with material support.

Such good deeds can be seen in all mahallas of Khorezm.



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