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Uzbekistan: Reforms in the field of public health protection

04/04/2018 22:24

On the basis of the profound reforms, carried out under the leadership of the President of Uzbekistan, there is a noble goal – ensuring legitimate interests and satisfaction of wants of citizens, creating the necessary conditions for a worthy life for people. Over 30 Orders and Decrees, aimed at integrated development of the healthcare sphere, were adopted. Consecutive activities are also being conducted on their implementation in Khorezm region. The implementation of the documents on providing the population with affordable medicines, protecting motherhood and childhood, improving emergency medical aid, further improving the primary health care, developing the private sector and specialized medical care, organizing the medical education system, gives people to use medical service in high quality.

Today, 67.7 % of the population of Khorezm region live in rural areas. Attention is paid to strengthening the health of villagers.

The ongoing transformations in the field of public health protection were noted at an extraordinary session of the Khorezm regional Council of People’s Deputies, held in October this year, and the President of the Republic Shavkat Mirziyoyev participated in the meeting. In particular, the establishment of 65 new rural family polyclinics and 18 rural medical stations in the region is assessed as an important step.

For nine months of the last year, highly qualified specialists from the capital of the Republic conducted 142 complex operations in Khorezm region. With their participation, more than 2 800 people underwent medical examinations. As well as, dozens of experienced specialists from leading foreign clinics were invited to Khorezm, with their participation complex operations were carried out and this gave opportunities to many patients to return to a healthy life. In particular, cardiac surgery was carried out with the participation of the famous Russian cardiac surgeon, academician Leo Bakeria, and it was a kind of a master class for the surgeons in Khorezm. As a result, in the regional branch of the Republican Specialized Cardiology Centre, for the first time, an operation was made for the elimination of serious heart defects and it was performed successfully.

Arrangements are made on improving the skills of medical staff in foreign countries. It is planned to strengthen the cooperation with medical centers named after A.N.Bakulyov of Russia, A.M.Amosov of Ukraine, and the University of Yonsei of the Republic of Korea.

However, the works on the improvement of the quality of patronage among the population, especially in rural areas, strengthening the material and technical base of primary health care institutions and ensuring their interaction with permanent institutions must be further developed.

The government focuses also on improving the protection of women’s and children’s health. Now in rural family clinics there are gynecologists and pediatricians, which found a positive response among the population. For the upbringing of a healthy generation and for the protection of motherhood and childhood, the workers of rural medical centers and polyclinics carry out regular medical examinations of children and women of childbearing age. Over one million residents were examined profoundly from January to October. Children under the age of two years were vaccinated against poliomyelitis and tuberculosis at the expense of budget funds.

The Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, PP No.-2857 “About the measures on further development of the activities of primary health care institutions in the Republic of Uzbekistan”, adopted this year, became an important program document in the implementation of the tasks in this direction. The Decree is aimed at rational dislocation of primary medical institutions, improving the quality of provided services in them, fundamental improvement of the patronage system, decreasing the level of illness in the country and further improvement of preventive works in each specific region and populated settlement. The rural medical policlinic is fundamentally different from the former rural medical stations. The newly formed medical institutions are upgraded with modern medical equipment as echography, ECG and others. It is noteworthy that, along with a general physician and secondary level medical workers a surgeon, a pediatrician, an obstetrician-gynecologist, a dentist and a specialist on echography work in rural medical policlinics. This will create an opportunity for the population from the remote corners of the region to be close to the specialized medical services. In addition, there will be no need to go for examination and consultation to multidisciplinary central polyclinics in the district centres.

Patronage service is a system of rendering medical services at home conditions to pregnant women, newborns, young families, older generation, new mothers, and senile, disabled and lonely people who need care. This sphere is responsible for the health of the entire population. In this regard, the aim of developing the patronage service, first of all, is to strengthen the health of mothers and children, their full coverage by the patronage system, increase the medical culture of the population, prevent diseases, popularize a healthy lifestyle, including physical training and sports.

Great attention is paid to the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, the prevention of various diseases. For this, discussions were organized with the participation of more than 540 000 villagers, booklets and notes were published and distributed to the people, video clips on this topic were made.

Along with this, considering that healthy and strong families are the base of a full-fledged future, special attention is paid to ensuring the most complete medical examination for the couples who intend to get married. These arrangements promote prevention of the birth of children with hereditary and congenital diseases.

One of the urgent problems that caused citizens’ just discontent was related to the emergency medical service. For the expired period, the ambulance stations of the region were provided with additional 78 cars. As a result, the arrival time of ambulance teams to house calls was halved.

Measures are being taken to create all the necessary conditions for improving the activities of medical institutions, strengthening their material and technical base. The main task is to ensure the availability and quality of services. All efforts of medical workers of Uzbekistan are aimed at this.


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