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Uzbekistan: New reforms in the sphere of health protection

09/03/2018 13:58

Protection of public health, especially in rural areas, is a priority task of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan. A set of measures for its implementation is carried out in Khorezm region. It is aimed at the well-being of the people, including the inhabitants in rural areas. The activity of medical institutions, including the primary sections, is improving.

In the system of healthcare, in Gurlen district, a rural family polyclinic was established on the basis of the former rural medical center. At that time, it was provided with modern medical equipment on the program “Health”. Now this center serves 19 thousand residents of Tagan and Gulobod villages, including 5148 women of childbearing age. The building of the former medical center was repaired, to provide qualified services, modern medical equipment was put in the well designed order, the staff is strengthened by experienced doctors and graduates of medical collages. Regularly in the polyclinic, the representatives of the regional specialized medioprophilactic institutions carry out medical examinations.

The policlinic is open twenty-four-hours a day, doctors treat patients in the daytime, ambulance personnel are on duty at night, and there is a pharmacy.

The work of the patronage service is organized. According to the approved schedule, nurses and doctors visit the houses of rural residents, and render the necessary aid. Invalids and the people of advanced age are under their constant observations.

The family polyclinic pays attention to the use of modern medical equipment, which further enhances the efficiency of medical services provided to the population. As a result, peoples’ trust on the specialists of the polyclinic increases.

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