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Uzbekistan: Promotion of healthy lifestyles among the population in Uzbekistan

09/03/2018 13:56

In Khorezm region in the Urgench branch of the Tashkent Medical Academy a “round table” was held. It was organized for the purpose of prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS, promotion of healthy lifestyles among the population of Uzbekistan.

Members of Urgench branch of the Tashkent Medical Academy, Khorezm Regional narcological dispensary, the regional branch of the Republican Centre of AIDS control, Department of Internal Affairs, the students of high education institutes and representatives of regional media participated in the event.

The participants of the event noted that in Uzbekistan comprehensive work on prevention of the spread of HIV infection, in particular, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of patients, care and support, is implementing. At the same time, the state provides free treatment for HIV-infected patients.

Today, as in the framework of the state program, the clinical and biological laboratory of the regional branch of the Republican Centre of AIDS control is provided with modern laboratory equipment. Special attention is paid to newly married couples, pregnant women and labour migrants who are voluntarily tested for HIV.

The students prepared theatrical performances about the ways of spreading the infection, preventing and treating this illness.

In the course of the round table, the issues of modern approaches to diagnosis, prevention and treatment of HIV infection was also raised. As well as, the participants discussed the ways and methods to improve the effectiveness of measures to early identification and timely prevention of further spread of HIV infection, improvement of the efficiency of treatment of infected, which improve the quality and duration of patients’ lives.

An athlete and prize winner of the Uzbek championship in Shotokan karate O.Rashidova took part in the event, in order to promote healthy lifestyles.

Within the framework of the event, a book exhibition was organized.


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