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Uzbekistan: Contribution of enterprises in the development of economy

09/03/2018 13:54

During the years of independence in the Republic of Uzbekistan a favorable climate for the successful implementation of large-scale and high-tech projects in textile production has been created. The Strategy of Actions on the five priority directions of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021, plays a significant role in this, which has become, in fact, the “road map” of the country’s reforms for the coming years. On the basis of the noted tasks in it, sectoral and regional development programs oriented to the growth of economic indicators, are being worked out.

One of the fastest growing joint venture in the form of a limited liability company “Katkala- textile” in Shavat district of Khorezm region also makes a contribution to the development of the economy. The modern equipment is installed in the shops of the enterprise, which allows producing hosiery goods that are in demand.

The company produces 70 million pairs of socks a year. More than 800 people are employed here.

As the designer of the company Akram Muhammad noted, their group from Pakistan works here under an agreement: “At present, we produce a collection of hosiery goods for summer season. Having studied the market, based on the demand of the population, the appropriate colors and figures are selected. Working with foreign enterprises, we offer them our options, and in agreement with foreign customers, we produce goods on their orders.”

Today, the company has launched a new project on the production of terry towels.

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