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Uzbekistan: The celebration of the day of agricultural workers

09/03/2018 13:49

The workers of the agro-industrial complex of Khorezm region of Uzbekistan have successfully completed the current agricultural season. As a result of ongoing reforms in the agrarian sector, the further development of the farmer movement, increasing the responsibility of the heads of farms for the solution of the food program, the selfless labor of farmers, significant success has been achieved in the production of all types of agricultural products. Cotton growers, grain producers, silkworm breeders and workers of other industries achieved high results. Organized conduction of all cycles of field works, the effective use of machinery and human resources promoted to successful fulfillment of contractual obligations for the procurement and sale of raw cotton, grain of wheat, vegetables, fruits, melons and gourds.

Entrepreneurs of the agrarian sector have made a significant contribution to the achievements of the country this year. At present, there are about 9 thousand farms successfully operate in Khorezm, and they produce almost all kinds of the agricultural products.

At the recently held extraordinary session of the Khorezm regional Council of People’s Deputies, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev highly appreciated the farmers’ achievements of this region, which overcome complex soil and climatic conditions, grow high yields, and achieve an increased efficiency of irrigated lands.

Throughout the entire agricultural season, they took after cotton, winter wheat, vegetable and melon crops carefully.

Timely and with high quality, all the necessary agrotechnical measures were carried out with a wide use of modern technology, and application of modern agrotechnology. Farms and agricultural enterprises were provided with seeds, mineral fertilizers, fuels and lubricants in sufficient quantities.

The development of multi-profile farms is another important factor for achieving high results in field husbandry, horticulture and animal husbandry. Along with the increase in cotton production, the volume of selling honey, live fish, and intensive garden products increased.

Farmers’ work is highly appreciated, and they receive great attention and support. In Uzbekistan, the second Sunday of December is celebrated as the Day of Agricultural Workers.

In Urgench city, the regional center of Khorezm, an event was held, dedicated to the first time celebration of the holiday of workers in the agricultural sector. Leaders of advanced farms, experienced land users, industry specialists, labor veterans and the representatives of the general public took part in it.

The head of Khorezm region I.Sabirov warmly congratulated the participants of the event on the holiday, and noted the great contribution of farmers to the development of the economy and to the solution of the food program.

In Uzbekistan, in the course of the reforms carried out in the agro-industrial complex, multisectoral farms are being further developed, in which, processing enterprises will be created along with the production of agricultural products, and this promotes to the opening of new work places. This year, in the agricultural sector of the region, 2 244 projects have been implemented on introducing modern technologies, improving land reclamation conditions, and reconstruction of the irrigation system at processing plants.

Regular attention is paid to further development of the industry. A Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “About the measures to radically improve the system of protecting the rights and legal interests of farmers, land users and owners of homestead lands, and effective use of agricultural lands”, as well as the Resolution of the President “About the organizational measures for further development of the activities of farmers, land users and owners of homestead lands” are focused on this. The implementation of these important documents will provide ample opportunities for raising the reforms to a new level, efficient use of crop lands, increasing production and selling agricultural products.

At the event, the leaders of advanced farms exchanged experiences in organizing the field work. All the participants of the event received presents. The celebration of the Day of Agricultural Workers ended with a concert of art masters and young performers.

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