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Uzbekistan: Value of the books in our lives

09/03/2018 13:45

In Uzbekistan, great attention is paid to increasing the role and significance of book in the spiritual and moral education of youth, complying the intellectual needs of the population, and systemic work is carried out to increase the interest of young people in the book, and to promote the best works of national literature.

In accordance with the Order and the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev “About creation of the commission on the development of the system of publishing and distribution of books, increasing and promotion of the culture of reading” on January 12, 2017, and “About the program of complex activities to develop the system of publishing and distributing books, improving the culture of reading” on September 13 this year, educational work is conducted on improving the culture of reading, the distribution of books. In order to implement the tasks arising from these legal documents, book fairs and exhibitions, presentations of new works by local and foreign authors are organized, funds of information-library and resource centers, libraries are replenished with modern publications, the number of book shops are steadily increasing.

One of the largest bookstores LLC “Khorazm kitob olami”, in Khorezm region, includes about 80 thousand books in sections of socio-political, spiritual-educational, literary artistic, popular science and children’s literature.

According to the director of LLC “Khorazm kitob olami” Fazliddin Azimov, since October this year, they are implementing the project “The best school of book lovers”. It is implemented in cooperation with the Khorezm regional government and the regional administration of public education. According to the approved schedule, a book marathon is carried out gradually in the schools of Urgench city and districts, and there the public schools purchase books for their information and library centers, by accumulating points. At the end of the academic year, the results will be summed up and the winner schools will get certificates for the purchase of books to the amount of 1 million sums. This marathon is held to attract the interest of young readers to the book. Also from September, another project is realized under the topic “The best gift is a book”. It involves organizations and institutions, where they can purchase certificates for a certain sums and deliver them to their best employees. Among them is, the government of Urgench city, the medical administration of the region, branches of commercial banks, LLC “Khorazmavtotekhkhizmat” and others.

In this spiritual and educational shopping center, all conveniences for the readers are created. There is a reading room and a cafe. Here, eight people are employed to render services to the population.

As the employee of LLC “Khorazm kitob olami” Nadira Davletova noted, they are very pleased with the increase of the demands for children’s literature recently. Schoolchildren themselves, not only their parents, come to buy books in Uzbek, Russian and English. The department “Art Book” arouses great interest among the readers, which includes works of famous writers about painting, art, museums, and you can see the collection of the founder of the Tretyakov Gallery, P.Tretiakov as well.

According to 11 years old Abbosbek Jumaniyazov, the pupil of school No 28 in Urgench city, he often comes here with his parents, and buy books in Russian and English. Today, for example, they bought the next issue of the magazine “Znayka”, which has many logical tasks, as well as a book in English.

In order to involve young people in books, the employees of the society conduct book marathons among the organizations and institutions during school holidays. As, they had been already organized in medical institutions and in large sale industrial enterprises of Khorezm region.

According to Fazliddin Azimov, the director of the LLC “Khorazm kitob olami”, this year in the course of reforms carried out in the country, developments took place in all spheres. Including, the publishing and printing industry, the bookselling has been increased significantly. Today they have concluded agreements with the schools of the region, made cooperation with local writers as O.Masharipova, H.Karimova, Muhammad Ali Ollanazarov and others. They planned to open a new department for the works of Khorezm writers and poets soon.

The carried out work in the region will undoubtedly serve to raise the significance of books in educating the harmoniously developed youth, enriching the spiritual world of the younger generation, forming patriotism, and devotion to the ideas of independence by increasing the love of reading.

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