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Uzbekistan: New achievements in the field of education

09/03/2018 13:44

Today, in the course of the ongoing reforms, the education sector in Uzbekistan is developing very well. The material and technical condition of higher educational institutions is being improved, and cooperation with foreign universities are established, as well as, much attention is paid to the training and retraining of young specialists.

Over 1 300 students study at the Urgench branch of the Tashkent Medical Academy. 165 professors and teachers work at 17 departments of 2 faculties.

The building of the branch is new itself, and provided with modern and necessary equipment.

On the initiative of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, in cooperation with the First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after I.Pavlov, a clinic with the departments of endocrinology, otolaryngology, hematology, allergology, pediatrics and surgery will be opened soon, on the basis of the branch of Tashkent Medical Academy in Urgench city. The administration of this academy went to St. Petersburg, Russia, in the spring of this year to conclude a memorandum with the State Medical University named after I.Pavlov on the organization of joint work in the clinic, intended for 105 beds. It will be furnished with modern diagnostic and medical equipment, costing about two million US dollars. There will be installed a magnetic-resonance tomograph, a laparoscopic stand, an X-ray and other equipment. The clinic is planned to start in the beginning of the next year.

According to the director of the branch – doctor of medical sciences, professor Rashid Ruzibaev, a delegation with the rector of the First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after I.Pavlov, doctor of medical sciences, professor Sergey Bagnenko recently visited the branch. During the meeting with delegation from St. Petersburg and the professors of the branch, a number of issues noted in the memorandum were discussed. Based on the signed agreement on cooperation, experienced specialists from the above-mentioned university will be invited to work and conduct classes, master classes for teachers and students. Today, two teachers of the Urgench branch of Tashkent Medical academy have upgraded their qualifications, and another one studies at the postgraduate course at the First St. Petersburg State Medical University. In addition, in summer, the students of the higher educational institution of Urgench will go to St. Petersburg and accordingly the students from St. Petersburg will come to Khorezm for summer practice.

In addition, memorandums were signed with the Ternopil State Medical University named after I.Ya.Gorbachevsky (Ukraine) and with the Institute of Functional Neurology (Toronto, Canada) on cooperation for conducting scientific research, clinical work, exchanging the experience of teachers, etc. Moreover, international agreements on cooperation with the universities and medical colleges in South Korea, with the Department of Foreign Languages of the Ural State Technical University (Russia) were signed.

Today, professors from republican and foreign universities come to this educational institution to give lectures. For example, professor A.Kalyab from the Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after R.R.Vreden, Yu.Khan professor of the medical center Asan of South Korea and other well-known lecturers of Uzbekistan give presentations on surgery, phthisiology, pediatrics, psychiatry and other subjects. Those who study at higher levels have their practice in family clinics and hospitals of the region, and they are provided with the necessary literature. There are about 60 thousand books in the information and resource center of the branch.

In the academy, great attention is paid to the identification of gifted students. In the current year, the 5th year student of the therapeutic faculty Sh.Matmurodov have become the holder of the scholarship of the Doctors’ Association of Uzbekistan. In addition, two of the student got the scholarship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and seven got the state scholarship of Ibn Sino.

As well as, the students of the Urgench branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies (TUIT) named after Muhammad al-Khorezmi achieved significant successes. Today, seven of them have received state scholarships of Beruni, one of Muhammad al-Khorezmi, fifteen – from the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan and 10 of them – became winners of the republican subject Olympiads.

Over 800 young men and women are educated in this university. The scientific journal “Muhammad al-Khorazmi avlodlari” is published here, which highlights the results of promising research works and publication of scientific articles of gifted students, as well as teaching staff.

In this educational institution, for the students all opportunities are created for showing their intellectual potentials in their researches of new developments. There is a laboratory of “Telecommunication Transmission Systems”, where the students can learn to synchronize the digital communication system, the encoding of lines, the development of Trank terminal circuits, and mobile terminals in GSM and CDMA standards. There are also other laboratories operate successfully here. As well as, the students use the information-resource center with a rich fund of books. The Urgench branch of the TUIT cooperates with many organizations, institutions, commercial banks, where graduates of the university are employed.

As the director of the Urgench branch of the TUIT Umid Hoitmetov noted, their students work out projects for the automation of the educational process, software applications for computers and mobile phones and many more. This increases the qualifications of the students and develops the market of domestic software products.

The ability of receiving and effectively using the knowledge serves to develop the sphere. These reforms in education will undoubtedly help to improve the quality of personnel training, raise the new higher level of medical care, as well as information services to the public.

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