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Uzbekistan: Activities of businesswomen in Khorezm region

26/01/2018 11:57

Craftsmanship, based on traditional culture, are always in demand, and hand-made products are valued at all times.Therefore, in Uzbekistan, much attention is paid to the development of handicraft activities, asit is socially significant and focused on the internal market, which has a direct relationship to the formation of a favourable economic environment.

Today, in Khorezm region many craftsmen are engaged in sewing, wood carving and carpet weaving.It is noteworthy, that there are many young people among them, who learn the mastery of craftsmanship from the well-known artisans. FarohatSadullaeva is one of them.Perhaps, in the region there is no person who does not know this marvellous master of making national chapan, coats, jackets, pillows, blankets and other products.

Farohatopa began her business in the 90s of the last century.At first, she did this craft at home, with all of the family members.Hard work and exactingness to business soon helped her to achieve professional success, which was for the benefit of the common business.Many young girls of the mahalla wanted to work in a friendly team withFarohatopa.Having passed a certain course of study, they were provided with permanent job.

According to the FarohatSadullayeva, thanks to the great attention paid to business entities in Uzbekistan, in 2004 they opened sewing courses at the specialized boarding school No. 96 in Urgench city, and a few years later at the “Hunarmand” Association they organized a handicraft school.Over the past time, they have helped more than 200 girls and women with hearing impairment to get sewing skills, which allows them to have a permanent income and to realize that their work is in demand and needed by society.In 2013, they created a private enterprise “Urganchmilliytikuvchilik”, where her former students were able to start working.In the same year, within the scope of the project “Business Forum of Uzbekistan”, they expanded it and purchased additional sewing machines.New workplaceswere created here: 30 physically challenged women got part-time and 15 full-time jobs.

Nowadays the enterprise produces more than 30 kinds of various products, including national clothes, bed linens and other household accessories.

Final goods ofFarohatSadullaeva is distinguished by the traditionality of national clothes, which date back to the 16th century, reviving sewing in the style “yoyma” of ancient Khiva.In addition, they differ in their originality, ecological compatibility and practicality for Uzbek life, which can be used in everyday life.Looking at them, on can realize, that the creativeness of the master is unlimited.All the products are unique.At the same time, each carries a national style. As an artisan,she was rewardedwith dozens of certificates and diplomas for her best works.

As the artisan noted, in recent years in Uzbekistan favourable conditions for ensuring reliable protection of private property, accelerated development of small business and private entrepreneurshiphave been created.The adoption of the President’s Decree “Aboutadditional measures to ensure accelerated development of entrepreneurial activities, full protection of private property and qualitative improvement of the business climate”, and anOrder of this year “Aboutadditional measures to improve the mechanisms of providing state services to business entities”, which makes newopportunities for entrepreneurs, can be evidence of these.

Taking advantage of these opportunities andconsidering the regular appeal of the girls for a job from the other districts of Khorezm region,she plans to open branches of her enterprise“Urganchmilliytikuvchilik” in the rural areas;to expand the range of products;to attract tourists by selling elements of national clothes and artificial products;andto organize master classes in Khorezmianembroidery.In order to achieve these, she participates in various exhibitions, where own productsare exhibited.

In addition, the artisan plans to open a fitness centre, beauty salon and computer courses.New workplaces can be created by the expansion of the business.In addition, in the near future, the company plans to export its products.

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