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Uzbekistan: Celebration of 25th anniversary of the Constitution in Khorezm

26/01/2018 11:51

These days in Khorezm region, as in the all regions of Uzbekistan, extensive preparation for the national holiday – the 25thanniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the countryis held.Inwork collectives, educational institutions, urban and rural mahallaspropagandistic, spiritual and educational activities are carried out on the role and importance of the Main Law in the life of citizens, strengthening the feelings of love and devotion to the Motherland in countrymen, especially young people, as well as raising their legal conscience and culture.

The measures to prepare and hold the celebration of the 25thanniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan have been approved, including, the theoretical and practical seminar of teachers conducting classes on studying the Constitution in comprehensive schools, secondary special, professional educational institutions and universities of Khorezm region.In accordance with the developed program, in the educational institutions of the region, the regional Administration of Justice in cooperation with the departments of the registry offices and the Centres “Single Window”organized over 150 legal events, timed to the 25thanniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and participated over 7 000people.

During the organized “round tables” in the professional colleges of Shavat, Yangibazar, Khiva, Yangiarik districts, talks were given on the history of the Constitution.It was also noted, that article 41 of the country’s Constitution is about the right to education and state guarantees for free general education, which plays an important role in educating young people who can take responsibility for the country’s future.In this direction, an important legal basis was the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “Aboutthe measures to improve the effectiveness of the state youth policy and support the activities of the Union of Youth of Uzbekistan” on July 5, 2017.

According to the head of the department of the Legal Propaganda and Information of Khorezm regionalAdministration of JusticeA.Jumaniyozov, an objective assessment of the passed way and gained experience, and analysis of the achieved results during the past years of independence, convincingly prove the democracy of the Constitution of the country and the need to continue along this way.There is no doubt, that on this solid legal basis, the people of Uzbekistan will achieve further success in all areas.

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