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Uzbekistan: Young football players of Khorezm achieved silver medal

08/01/2018 18:00

In Khorezm region, as in all Uzbekistan, large-scale work is underway to further development of sports, in particular football. New sports facilities are being built, various competitions and tournaments are held on a regular basis, aimed at revealing new talents, increasing the skill of players.

The Urgench College of the Olympic Reserve hosted the republican football championship, which was attended by young men who reached the age of 16, consisting of 10 teams from the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and Tashkent city.

As the representative of the Football Federation of Uzbekistan, Andrey Klepikov, today in all regions of Uzbekistan created a modern football infrastructure, paid great attention to the organization of training at the proper level, the regular holding of various competitions.

So this championship was organized with the aim of popularizing football among teenagers. Matches were interesting, the young men aspired to victory.

In the semifinals of the competitions the team of Tashkent city beat Fergana athletes with a score of 2:0, having received a ticket to the final. In turn, Khorezm team defeated the football players from the Tashkent region with a score of 2:1 became the finalist. The teams of the Ferghana and Tashkent regions have won bronze medals.

The struggle for victory was continued by athletes of Tashkent and the national team of Khorezm. Despite the fact that Khorezm footballers opened the account, Javohir Jumaev and Diyorbek Ramazonov from Tashkent scored the winning goals, thereby winning gold for their team. Silver was rightfully received by athletes of Khorezm.

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