Pearl of East: Your travel guide in Uzbekistan.

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Uzbekistan: High fertile lands of Khorezm

08/01/2018 17:56

By the virtue of independence in Uzbekistan today, farmers have become owners of land. Today, the farms of Khorezm region grow not only cotton, rice or wheat, but also theyget rich crops of vegetables and fruits, are engaged in cattle breeding, fish farming is developing. In other words, they became multidisciplinary.

For example, last year in Khorezm region, 191,000 tons of fruits, 144,000 tons of melons, 630,000 tons of vegetables and 128,000 tons of potatoes were produced, and this year figures are much higher. With careful placement and skilful care of the crops of food crops on the remaining areas of personal subsidiary farms that are not occupied by winter wheat, it is possible to increase the production of these and other products that satisfy domestic demand.

Therefore, the rational use of every free piece of land is especially important. Moreover, the state is going to meet enterprising farmers.

These days in a number of commercial banks of Khorezm credit lines have been opened for the allocation of loans for the purchase of seeds and seedlings of vegetables, melons and fodder crops, fruit and ornamental plants.

An important reserve for improving the welfare of rural residents, filling the domestic market with food products and lowering prices for them can be increased in the number of cattle and poultry in farms. Agricultural producers specializing in the cultivation of cotton and grain are recommended to keep at least two heads of cattle and 100 poultry in their farms. Vegetable farmers and gardeners twice as much. For their acquisition by banks, the issuance of targeted concessional loans has also begun.

These opportunities will undoubtedly provide an abundance of local markets, as well as improve the welfare of the people of Uzbekistan.

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