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Uzbekistan: Car industry in Khorezm region

08/01/2018 17:53

Automobile industry of Uzbekistan today is modern enterprises, equipped with unique equipment, which allows to produce products to the highest world standards. Khorezm region is a worthy contribution to the development of this industry.

In the Khazarasp district of Khorezm, there is a branch of the joint-stock company “GM Uzbekistan”, which assembles 3 models of cars: Damas, Labo and Orlando. From year to year the enterprise increases the volume of production. For the first nine months of this year, high-quality cars have come off the assembly line. The volume of industrial production for the six months of 2017 compared to the same period of the previous year increased by 273 percent.

Today, the company employs 1,473 people, almost one in three with higher education. Specialists with diplomas of Tashkent State Technical University, Polytechnic University of Turin and other prestigious universities Azamat Abdullaev, Hamid Boboyev, Rayhona Djumaniyazova and others work here. Experienced workers Ulugbek Matkarimov and Gayrat Bekchanov are mentors of the youth.

In the welding, assembly and other workshops of the factory, Abror Abdurahmonov, Davron Matyokubov, Eldor Omonov, Jurabek Ruzmetov and many other graduates of the professional colleges of the region skillfully manage modern machines.

Particular attention is paid to teaching young people. Young workers of the collective improve their skills at car factories in South Korea, Indonesia. One of them, the employee of the welding department Temur Khudaiberganov, worked with Korean partners for a year, thereby increasing his professional skills.

At the enterprise, employees are provided with all the necessary conditions for effective work. They are provided with special clothes, free meals. 18 buses have been allocated for transport workers.

According to SobirjonDjumaniyozov, executive director of the branch office, the creation of a free economic zone in the Khazarasp region contributes to the development of the automobile industry, on the basis of the developed plan by the joint-stock company Uzavtosanoat for 2017-2020, 11 large projects worth 53.08 million US dollars are being implemented.

The increase in production at the branch of the joint-stock company “GM Uzbekistan” contributes to the development of other industries in Khorezm region, the creation of new jobs, and the improvement of the well-being of the population. As the output increases, the need for components, paints and other materials increases. In order to solve this problem, new private enterprises have been created and are opening production, which is required by the branch of the joint stock company “GM Uzbekistan”.

Heads of departments and shops, engineers and technicians, all workers of the enterprise do not stop at the achieved results, increase labor productivity, actively introduce advanced technologies into production. They proudly note that the cars they produce go on the roads of many countries of the world, demonstrating the power, quality and reliability.

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