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Uzbekistan: New investments for the llc “Katkala tex”

08/01/2018 17:50

In Uzbekistan, the result of economic reforms to restore production activity, a number of unprofitable enterprises were transferred to the balance sheets of commercial banks of the country.

LLC Katkalyatex in Shavat district of Khorezm regionis among them. It was created by the ownership of Khorezm regional branch of Ipoteka Bank on the base of the bankrupt enterprise of JV Shavat Tex. After the completion of the construction and reconstruction of buildings, work was carried out to equip the enterprise with modern equipment, an agreement with partners from Italy was drawn up for 26 million 470 thousand US dollars. 26 million sums of loan funds were received for the acquisition of necessary equipment and 48 billion soums were contributed by investors.

As a result, imported equipment from one Italian company - automated knitting machines for socks, transformers, installed a system for air filtration and cooling of premises and other equipment.

Today the enterprise's workshops are operating at full capacity. The production is organized in three shifts. The main part of the employees are graduates of professional colleges in the region.

The company plans to increase output, increase profits and the number of jobs.

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