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Uzbekistan: Development in healthcare sector of Khorezm region

08/01/2018 17:49

Today, in Uzbekistan, reforming the healthcare sector is one of the important directions of state policy. Therefore, the improvement of the quality of medical services rendered to the population faces the staff of family polyclinics as a priority task.

According to the head doctor of the family polyclinic No. 2 in Urgench, GulomjonUrinov, a large role in its decision is assigned to family clinics. This was said in his speech by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.Mirziyoev at an extraordinary session of Khorezm regional Council of People's Deputies. The head of state spoke about the ongoing changes in the healthcare system, detailed on the tasks facing the workers of the sphere. This places even greater responsibility on the medical profession in improving the quality of medical care for each family.

Today, employees of the family polyclinic No. 2 of the city of Urgench monitor the health of the population of 10 mahallas. They permanently conduct in-depth medical examination of residents, carry out early diagnosis of diseases, organize activities aimed at the formation of a healthy lifestyle in society.

The polyclinic established the "Mothers' School", where specialists give advice and recommendations, provide medical care to pregnant women and young mothers.

To perform professional duties with maximum efficiency doctors of this institution are assisted by modern medical equipment obtained under the "Health-3" program. The polyclinic building was completely renovated in 2015. Today, all conditions are created for it to conduct a full examination of patients with ECG and ultrasound, and their analysis in a modern laboratory.

This year, more than 30,000 people were examined, and hepatitis was vaccinated. Arrangements were organized in mahallas, where doctors examined people of advanced age and with limited physical abilities.

Today, family clinics in Uzbekistan prove their effectiveness, they have become an important factor in providing primary care and improving the medical culture of the population.

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