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Uzbekistan: Prevention of delinquency in Khorezm

08/01/2018 17:49

The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan ShavkatMirziyoevrecently has made a speech at an extraordinary session of Khorezm regional Council of People's Deputies. The head of the country, analyzing what is happening in this region, stressed the positive changes, as well as the results of the ongoing work to prevent offenses. The President of Uzbekistan also proposed the creation of a "Khorezm experience" in this area.

According to the head of the Departmentof delinquency Prevention of the Department of Internal Affairs of Khorezm region, Lieutenant Colonel S.Rakhimov, today in Khorezm region, purposeful work is being done in this direction. Employees of the regional department of internal affairs and city departments are involved in the events. Representatives of local hokimiyats and public organizations take part in them.

As on the 5th of October this year, the staff of the interior of the region conducted more than 2,000 preventive measures "Davomat" in educational institutions to check attendance of schoolchildren and students of colleges and lyceums, during which it was revealed that 754 students were absent from classes. Appropriate measures have been applied to 160 parents and 7 teachers who do not provide for their duties.

Work is also being carried out to ensure the safety of the population. Over 3 thousand patrol directions have been organized, and video surveillance systems have been installed at 200 sites. Also conductedmore than 200 away sessions of the courts for administrative cases. Members of preventive groups visited more than 125 thousand homes, where violations of the visa regime were identified by 1,622 citizens, and 6 people who were wanted were detained.

In Khorezm special attention is paid to creating favorable conditions for the activities and living of preventive inspectors, which serves to increase the effectiveness of their work: regional inspectors were given keys to houses and vehicles.

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