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Uzbekistan: Innovations in reserving agricultural food products for winter season

07/01/2018 17:47

Annually active preparation for the autumn-winter season is held in Khorezm region of Uzbekistan in several directions. This is the organizational and technical measures for the repair of apartment buildings, water, gas and electricity networks, and cleaning lawns from leaves, preparing for the winter of fountains and attractions in the parks of culture and recreation, and the reserving of fruits and vegetables.

In order to prevent unjustified growth of prices for agricultural products in the winter-spring period, a reserve of fruit and vegetable products is created. For this purpose in the region in special storage rooms and freezers are stored stocks of vegetables and fruits. One of such large freezing chambers in Khorezm region is the vegetable storehouse of Baht harakatmevasi LLC, which is located in the Bagat district.

According to the head of the enterprise, BakhtiyarMatyakubov, they carried out appropriate work on the preparation of premises and equipment, which allows for the long-term storage of fruit and vegetable products. For the storage there are storage facilities with a total capacity of 1,500 tons. This year, conditions have been created for storing 800 tons of grapes, apples, pears, it is planned to store 700 tons of onions, carrots, potatoes, cabbage. They strictly follow the observance of the regime and technology of storage of products.

Back in 2012, the entrepreneur purchased refrigeration equipment, with a total capacity of 500 tons. And two years later I built an additional refrigerating warehouse in one thousand tons. Today the society provides not only the domestic market. Since April 2016 LLC "Baht harakatmevasi" has established the export of products.

For the current period of this year, more than 2,000 tons of fruits and vegetables were sent to the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan. In addition, the production of plastic containers for the export of agricultural products is established here. 1,500 containers are produced a day.

In order to increase the volume of export of agricultural products, the company builds its own production base - a greenhouse in the village of Besharik. Its crop area will be about one hectare. Mostly, tomatoes and cucumbers will be grown here. As a result of this project, the company will be able to export 400 tons of vegetables, fruits and melons. This will open another 20 jobs.

Using the created conditions for entrepreneurs, the society outlines long-term plans for expanding activities and providing the market with quality agricultural products

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