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Uzbekistan: Preparation for autumn-winter period in Khorezm region

07/01/2018 17:47

In order to ensure the timely and effective implementation of the tasks identified in the Strategy of Actionson five priority development areas of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021, as well as in a number of decisions adopted this year by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan to improve the living conditions of the population, Khorezm regional department of Housing and Communal Services developed and implemented a program on the preparation for the autumn-winter period and improvement of the territory in the context of each associations of private owners (APOs) and mahallas.

The paramount task of the region’s communal utilities is to maintain the multi-apartment housing stock in a technically sound condition in accordance with the rules and norms of technical operation, ensuring the healthy condition and uninterrupted operation of devices and equipment of apartment buildings, and compliance with sanitary and fire regulations. Capital and current repair of apartment buildings, timely elimination of malfunctions and possible emergency situations inside the house equipment.

The work is mainly financed by allocated loans from commercial banks. The total amount of loans is more than 13 billion 719 million sums and 3 billion 743 million sums at the expense of the local budget, as well as funds from APOs and philanthropists.

In Khorezm region, in the territory of 82 mahallas, there are 1220 apartment buildings. In accordance with the program for the preparation for the autumn-winter period of 2017-2018, the roofing of 140 apartment buildings has been overhauled and 126 houses, 773 entrances to 240 apartment buildings have been repaired, 171 houses have been replaced with new unfit windows of entrances, in 31 The house has drainpipes with a total length of 2010 meters. The facade part of 221 houses was repaired in place of the planned 163 houses. Thus, the task was fulfilled by 173 percent.

In the preparation of apartment buildings for work in the autumn-winter period, bringing in order and keeping in proper condition heat and water supply, public places, ensuring the sanitary condition of the territory of the mahallas are involved in APOs. According to the information of the regional association APOs in the city of Urgench, there are 52 partnerships.

I would like to note some positive works of them. The “IhtiyorBarno” and “BekposhshaAbrorService”APOs are distinguished by their efficiency and efficiency in the performance of their tasks, with Tahir Masharipov and BekposhshaRuzmetova as chairmen. Firms are fully equipped with the necessary equipment and facilities to eliminate the emerging problems in their territories. The residents of the mahallas are satisfied with their work.

According to the head of the department for monitoring the technical condition of the multi-apartment housing fund BakhtiyorKalandarov, the preparation of apartment buildings for operation in winter, the planned work must be carried out in a timely and high-quality manner. This is the common task of workers in the communal sphere.

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