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Uzbekistan: Peace and security is a pledge of well-being of the people and development of the government

07/01/2018 17:46

Today, Uzbekistan is a dynamically developing state. High rates of economic growth, well-organized cities and villages, the rising level and quality of life of the people are evidence of this.And, these are the results of peace and stability.

In the process of ongoing large-scale reforms aimed at ensuring peace and tranquility, special attention is paid to strengthening the legality, law and orders. An important guide to action in this direction is the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to radically increase the effectiveness of the activity of law enforcement bodies, responsibility for ensuring public order, reliable protection of rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens”.

In Khorezm region for the past period, significant work has been done to improve the activities of all levels of the Department of Internal Affairs. In view of modern requirements, the work of criminal investigation services, investigation, prevention of offenses, patrol and guard service, maintenance of public order, fire safety and road safety are being improved.

The material and technical base of the internal affairs bodies is being strengthened. Employees of city and district departments are provided with modern communication facilities, equipment, and information and communication technologies.

The interaction of internal affairs employees with the population and self-governing bodies of citizens is strengthening. Practical measures are being implemented to increase the effectiveness of inspectors of prevention and improve their living conditions. This year 120 employees of this service were assigned office apartments and cars. As a result, in the past period in a number of mahallas there was not a single crime recorded.

The events held every Thursday, which on the initiative of the Head of Uzbekistan is declared the day of prevention and prevention of crime, give significant results in ensuring public order, peaceful and peaceful life of citizens.

Employees of the internal affairs bodies see their task in conscientious fulfillment of their duty in ensuring peace and tranquility, the security of every mahalla, family, and every inhabitant of the region.

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