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Uzbekistan: Press conference in Khorezm regional state tax administration

07/01/2018 17:44

In Khorezm Regional State Tax Administration of Uzbekistan was held a press conference on the topic of timely payment of taxes. The agenda of the event included such issues as the calculation of land tax, property tax, tax benefits and changes from individuals, which were introducedto the legislation in 2017. Heads of print media, electronic mass media of Uzbekistan took part in it.

The event was opened by the head of Khorezm regional press and information department D.Bekchanova, who noted the importance of explaining the essence and significance of the adopted laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the changes and additions made to them, regulations of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In their speeches, the deputy of Khorezm regional State Tax Administration Sh.Saidovand industry specialists explained in details the articles of the Tax Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the resolution of the Head of the Republic of Uzbekistan “About the forecast of the main macroeconomic indicators and parameters of the State Budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017”, and also the changes and additions to the tax legislation of the country.

In particular, in accordance with the above-mentioned resolution, the property tax rate for individuals is set at 1.7% of the inventory value of the property. Individual property tax rates on individuals to residential homes and apartments located in cities with a total area of ​​more than 200 square meters and up to 500 square meters are increased from 1.8 to 2.1 percent, and over 500 square meters from 2.5 to 2.9% to the inventory value of the property.

According to DilraboKuryazova, the head of the Public Relations and Legal Information Department of KhorezmRegional State Tax Administration, in order to create additional conveniences for business entities and taxpayers, the State Tax Committee has introduced new services for paying taxes on property and land tax with the help of “Mbank”, “U-Pay”, “Click” and“PayMe”.At the same time, a certificate of payments is automatically registered on the personal cards of taxpayers.

It was also noted that in accordance with articles 275 and 290 of the Tax Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, certain categories of citizens are exempted from the property tax and land tax. These are the citizens awarded with the title “Hero of Uzbekistan”, Heroes of Labor, disabled and war veterans, also women with 10 or more children, single pensioners, I and II group invalids, and others.

The members of the press conference received answers to their questions in this field.

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